Saturday, July 10, 2010

Why Bao Han is my DIVA?

Actually the for me Bao Han is my true diva because when I was little when my grandma comes home and she got the DVD and I jump up and turn it to Bao Han songs and I try to practice sing and dance like her in the performance. And my first time saw her in Paris By Night is the PBN 20 and I really love her performance and is like when I was 4 in a half and from that performance I always listen to her performance from there.

But now one thing is different is my grandma had pass by in 2007 and now I buy my own DVD and watch with my family, not with my grandma anymore, but about Bao Han is a lot of memories because everytime see her performance I feel like my grandma is still here but here is in my heart. Another story is whenever I dance in Bao Han songs my grandma just sit there and clap and happy is just make me think of those moments where my grandma still here...

Bao Han is always the one i look up to when I was little and also she gives me a lot of memories with my grandma. And now she is leaving her job I am very sad but like I say my grandma not here anymore but she still in my heart and so is Bao Han though she is not in PBN no more but I will remember all her journey. Also I think her decision is right a lot of people wanted a star life but they can't but she is different she wanted a normal life.

Lastly, I wanted to say that she is always my DIVA and she will forever in my heart and I hope that she will be successful in her life and having a warm and happy family.

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